
10 Words That Start With FOOL

Part of Speech:
Word Definitions Synonyms
fool (noun) a person who lacks good judgment Synonyms: muggins, sap, saphead, tomfool
(noun) a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of Synonyms: chump, fall guy, gull, mark, mug, patsy, soft touch, sucker
(noun) a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the Middle Ages Synonyms: jester, motley fool
(verb) indulge in horseplay Synonyms: arse around, fool around, horse around
(verb) fool or hoax Synonyms: befool, cod, dupe, gull, put on, put one across, put one over, slang, take in
(verb) spend frivolously and unwisely Synonyms: dissipate, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, shoot
(verb) make a fool or dupe of Synonyms: befool, gull
foolery (noun) foolish or senseless behavior Synonyms: craziness, folly, indulgence, lunacy, tomfoolery
foolhardiness (noun) the trait of giving little thought to danger Synonyms: rashness, recklessness
foolhardy (adjective) marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences Synonyms: heady, rash, reckless
fooling (adjective) characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility Synonyms: casual
foolish (adjective) devoid of good sense or judgment
(adjective) having or revealing stupidity Synonyms: anserine, dopey, dopy, gooselike, goosey, goosy, jerky
foolishly (adverb) without good sense or judgment Synonyms: unwisely
foolishness (noun) a stupid mistake Synonyms: betise, folly, imbecility, stupidity
(noun) the trait of acting stupidly or rashly Synonyms: folly, unwiseness
(noun) the quality of being rash and foolish Synonyms: craziness, folly, madness
foolproof (adjective) not liable to failure Synonyms: unfailing
(verb) proof against human misuse or error Synonyms: goof-proof, goofproof
foolscap (noun) a size of paper used especially in Britain

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