
2157 Words That End With A

Part of Speech:
Word Definitions Synonyms
algophilia (noun) sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain Synonyms: algolagnia
algophobia (noun) a morbid fear of pain
alkalemia (noun) a blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale)
alkalinuria (noun) a condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline Synonyms: alkaluria
alkaluria (noun) a condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline Synonyms: alkalinuria
alkaptonuria (noun) a rare recessive metabolic anomaly marked by ochronosis and the presence of alkapton in the urine Synonyms: alcaptonuria
allamanda (noun) a plant of the genus Allamanda having large showy funnel-shaped flowers in terminal cymes
alocasia (noun) any plant of the genus Alocasia having large showy basal leaves and boat-shaped spathe and reddish berries Synonyms: elephant's ear, elephant ear
aloha (noun) an acknowledgment that can be used to say hello or goodbye (aloha is Hawaiian and ciao is Italian) Synonyms: ciao
alopecia (noun) loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers; in humans it can result from heredity or hormonal imbalance or certain diseases or drugs and treatments (chemotherapy for cancer)
alpaca (noun) domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco Synonyms: Lama pacos
(noun) a thin glossy fabric made of the wool of the Lama pacos, or made of a rayon or cotton imitation of that wool
(noun) wool of the alpaca
alpha (adjective) early testing stage of a software or hardware product
(adjective) first in order of importance
(noun) the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet
(noun) the beginning of a series or sequence
alstroemeria (noun) any of various South American plants of the genus Alstroemeria valued for their handsome umbels of beautiful flowers
althaea (noun) any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea Synonyms: althea, hollyhock
althea (noun) any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea Synonyms: althaea, hollyhock
alula (noun) tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing Synonyms: bastard wing, spurious wing
(noun) scalelike structure between the base of the wing and the halter of a two-winged fly Synonyms: calypter
alumina (noun) any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum Synonyms: aluminium oxide, aluminum oxide
alumna (noun) a female person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
amastia (noun) absence of the mammary glands (either through surgery or developmental defect)
amblyopia (noun) visual impairment without apparent organic pathology
amboyna (noun) tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain Synonyms: padauk, padouk, Pterocarpus indicus
(noun) mottled curly-grained wood of Pterocarpus indicus Synonyms: Andaman redwood
ambrosia (noun) (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal Synonyms: nectar
(noun) fruit dessert made of oranges and bananas with shredded coconut
(noun) any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma Synonyms: bitterweed, ragweed
(noun) a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae Synonyms: beebread
ameba (noun) naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion Synonyms: amoeba
amelia (noun) congenital absence of an arm or leg
amenia (noun) absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow Synonyms: amenorrhea, amenorrhoea
amenorrhea (noun) absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow Synonyms: amenia, amenorrhoea
amenorrhoea (noun) absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow Synonyms: amenia, amenorrhea
amentia (noun) extreme mental retardation Synonyms: idiocy
ametria (noun) congenital absence of the uterus
ametropia (noun) (ophthalmology) faulty refraction of light rays in the eye as in astigmatism or myopia
aminoaciduria (noun) abnormal presence of amino acids in the urine; usually a symptom of metabolic defects
ammonia (noun) a pungent gas compounded of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3)
(noun) a water solution of ammonia Synonyms: ammonia water, ammonium hydroxide
ammoniuria (noun) excessive ammonia in the urine
amnesia (noun) partial or total loss of memory Synonyms: blackout, memory loss
amoeba (noun) naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion Synonyms: ameba
amora (noun) one of a group of rabbis (active AD 250-500) who discussed the Mishnaic law in the law schools of Palestine and Mesopotamia where they explained and applied earlier teachings and whose discussions are recorded in the Talmud; they emphasized the study of Torah and the importance of personal action and the fulfillment of the commandments
amorpha (noun) any plant of the genus Amorpha having odd-pinnate leaves and purplish spicate flowers
amphibia (noun) the class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water, frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, caecilians Synonyms: class Amphibia
amphisbaena (noun) (classical mythology) a serpent with a head at each end of its body
amphiuma (noun) aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet; of still muddy waters in the southern United States Synonyms: blind eel, congo eel, congo snake
amphora (noun) an ancient jar with two handles and a narrow neck; used to hold oil or wine
ampulla (noun) a flask that has two handles; used by Romans for wines or oils
(noun) the dilated portion of a canal or duct especially of the semicircular canals of the ear
amygdala (noun) an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior Synonyms: amygdaloid nucleus, corpus amygdaloideum
amyotonia (noun) lack of normal muscular tension or tonus Synonyms: atonia, atonicity, atony
amyotrophia (noun) progressive wasting of muscle tissues Synonyms: amyotrophy
amyxia (noun) a condition in which no mucus in produced
ana (noun) a collection of anecdotes about a person or place
anacoluthia (noun) an abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another Synonyms: anacoluthon
anaconda (noun) large arboreal boa of tropical South America Synonyms: Eunectes murinus
anaemia (noun) a deficiency of red blood cells Synonyms: anemia
(noun) a lack of vitality Synonyms: anemia
anaesthesia (noun) loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness Synonyms: anesthesia
analbuminemia (noun) an abnormally low level of albumin in the blood serum
analecta (noun) a collection of excerpts from a literary work Synonyms: analects
analgesia (noun) absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
anaphora (noun) using a pronoun or similar word instead of repeating a word used earlier
(noun) repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses Synonyms: epanaphora
anaphrodisia (noun) decline or absence of sexual desire
anaplasia (noun) loss of structural differentiation within a cell or group of cells often with increased capacity for multiplication, as in a malignant tumor
anarthria (noun) partial or total loss of articulate speech resulting from lesions of the central nervous system
anasarca (noun) generalized edema with accumulation of serum in subcutaneous connective tissue
anathema (noun) a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
(noun) a detested person Synonyms: bete noire
anchusa (noun) any of various Old World herbs of the genus Anchusa having one-sided clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers
andrena (noun) a bee that is a member of the genus Andrena Synonyms: andrenid, mining bee
androglossia (noun) a woman's voice with male qualities
andromeda (noun) any of several shrubs of the genus Andromeda having leathery leaves and clusters of small flowers
(noun) broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowers Synonyms: Japanese andromeda, lily-of-the-valley tree, Pieris japonica
androphobia (noun) a morbid fear of men
andryala (noun) any plant of the genus Andryala having milky sap and heads of bright yellow flowers
anemia (noun) a deficiency of red blood cells Synonyms: anaemia
(noun) a lack of vitality Synonyms: anaemia
anencephalia (noun) a defect in brain development resulting in small or missing brain hemispheres Synonyms: anencephaly
anesthesia (noun) loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness Synonyms: anaesthesia
angelica (noun) aromatic stems or leaves or roots of Angelica Archangelica
(noun) candied stalks of the angelica plant
(noun) any of various tall and stout herbs of the genus Angelica having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels Synonyms: angelique
angina (noun) any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain
(noun) a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to reduced oxygen to the heart Synonyms: angina pectoris
angioedema (noun) recurrent large circumscribed areas of subcutaneous edema; onset is sudden and it disappears within 24 hours; seen mainly in young women, often as an allergic reaction to food or drugs Synonyms: atrophedema, giant hives, periodic edema, Quincke's edema
angiohemophilia (noun) a form of hemophilia discovered by Erik von Willebrand; a genetic disorder that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait; characterized by a deficiency of the coagulation factor and by mucosal bleeding Synonyms: vascular hemophilia, von Willebrand's disease
angioma (noun) a tumor consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels
angiosarcoma (noun) a rare malignant neoplasm arising from vascular tissue; usually occurs in the breast and skin and is believed to originate from the endothelial cells of blood vessels
angiotelectasia (noun) dilation and enlargement of arterioles
angostura (noun) the bitter bark of a South American tree; used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters Synonyms: angostura bark
anhedonia (noun) an inability to experience pleasure
anhinga (noun) fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed bill Synonyms: darter, snakebird
anima (noun) (Jungian psychology) the inner self (not the external persona) that is in touch with the unconscious
aniseikonia (noun) visual defect in which the shape and size of an ocular image differ in the two eyes
anisometropia (noun) difference in the refractive power of the two eyes
ankyloglossia (noun) a congenital anomaly in which the mucous membrane under the tongue is too short limiting the mobility of the tongue Synonyms: tongue tie
anna (noun) a former copper coin of Pakistan and India
annexa (noun) accessory or adjoining anatomical parts or appendages to an organ (especially of the embryo) Synonyms: adnexa
anoa (noun) small buffalo of the Celebes having small straight horns Synonyms: Anoa depressicornis, dwarf buffalo
anomia (noun) inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects Synonyms: amnesic aphasia, amnestic aphasia, anomic aphasia, nominal aphasia
anopia (noun) sightlessness (especially because of a structural defect in or the absence of an eye)
anorchia (noun) absence of one of both testes Synonyms: anorchidism, anorchism
anorexia (noun) a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite
anorgasmia (noun) absence of an orgasm in sexual relations
anorthopia (noun) distorted vision in which straight lines appear curved
anosmia (noun) absence of the sense of smell (as by damage to olfactory nasal tissue or the olfactory nerve or by obstruction of the nasal passages)
anoxemia (noun) abnormally low oxygen content in arterial blood
anoxia (noun) severe hypoxia; absence of oxygen in inspired gases or in arterial blood or in the tissues
antenna (noun) one of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans; typically sensitive to touch and taste Synonyms: feeler
(noun) an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals Synonyms: aerial, transmitting aerial
(noun) sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ Synonyms: feeler
antepenultima (noun) the 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end Synonyms: antepenult, antepenultimate
antinomasia (noun) substitution of a title for a name
anuria (noun) inability to urinate Synonyms: anuresis
aorta (noun) the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries

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