
1269 Nouns That Contain EM

Part of Speech:
Word Definitions Synonyms
abasement (noun) depriving one of self-esteem Synonyms: humiliation
(noun) a low or downcast state Synonyms: abjection, degradation
abatement (noun) the act of abating
(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something Synonyms: hiatus, reprieve, respite, suspension
abetalipoproteinemia (noun) a rare inherited disorder of fat metabolism; characterized by severe deficiency of beta-lipoproteins and abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytes) and abnormally low cholesterol levels
abridgement (noun) a shortened version of a written work Synonyms: abridgment, capsule, condensation
abstemiousness (noun) moderation in eating and drinking
(noun) restricted to bare necessities
academe (noun) the academic world Synonyms: academia
academia (noun) the academic world Synonyms: academe
academic (noun) an educator who works at a college or university Synonyms: academician, faculty member
academician (noun) an educator who works at a college or university Synonyms: academic, faculty member
(noun) a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation Synonyms: schoolman
(noun) someone elected to honorary membership in an academy
academicianship (noun) the position of member of an honorary academy
academicism (noun) orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Synonyms: academism, scholasticism
(noun) Purely speculative thoughts and attitudes.
(noun) a style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies of art. Synonyms: academic art, academism
academism (noun) orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Synonyms: academicism, scholasticism
(noun) a style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies of art. Synonyms: academic art, academicism
academy (noun) a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge
(noun) a secondary school (usually private)
(noun) a school for special training
(noun) an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature Synonyms: honorary society
accouchement (noun) the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child Synonyms: childbearing, childbirth, vaginal birth
accoutrement (noun) clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing Synonyms: accessory, accouterment
accruement (noun) the act of accumulating Synonyms: accrual, accumulation
acetonemia (noun) an abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood as in diabetes mellitus Synonyms: ketonemia, ketosis
achievement (noun) the action of accomplishing something Synonyms: accomplishment
acidemia (noun) a blood disorder characterized by an increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which falls below 7 on the pH scale)
acknowledgement (noun) a statement acknowledging something or someone Synonyms: acknowledgment
(noun) the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged Synonyms: acknowledgment, recognition
acquirement (noun) an ability that has been acquired by training Synonyms: accomplishment, acquisition, attainment, skill
advancement (noun) the act of moving forward (as toward a goal) Synonyms: advance, forward motion, onward motion, procession, progress, progression
(noun) gradual improvement or growth or development Synonyms: progress
(noun) encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something Synonyms: furtherance, promotion
advertisement (noun) a public promotion of some product or service Synonyms: ad, advert, advertising, advertizement, advertizing
advertizement (noun) a public promotion of some product or service Synonyms: ad, advert, advertisement, advertising, advertizing
advisement (noun) careful consideration Synonyms: deliberation, weighing
aeroembolism (noun) obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as, e.g., accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba diving Synonyms: air embolism, gas embolism
(noun) pain resulting from rapid change in pressure Synonyms: air embolism, bends, caisson disease, decompression sickness, gas embolism
afibrinogenemia (noun) the absence of fibrinogen in the plasma leading to prolonged bleeding
agammaglobulinemia (noun) a rare immunological disorder characterized by the virtual absence of gamma globulin in the blood and consequent susceptibility to infection
aggrandisement (noun) the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something Synonyms: aggrandizement, elevation
aggrandizement (noun) the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something Synonyms: aggrandisement, elevation
agreement (noun) compatibility of observations Synonyms: correspondence
(noun) the thing arranged or agreed to Synonyms: arrangement
(noun) the verbal act of agreeing
(noun) the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises Synonyms: understanding
(noun) the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations Synonyms: concord
(noun) harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters Synonyms: accord
ahem (noun) the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc. Synonyms: hem
alchemist (noun) one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone
alchemy (noun) a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times
(noun) the way two individuals relate to each other Synonyms: chemistry, interpersonal chemistry
alembic (noun) an obsolete kind of container used for distillation; two retorts connected by a tube
alinement (noun) an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty Synonyms: alignment, alliance, coalition
alkalemia (noun) a blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale)
allegement (noun) statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove Synonyms: allegation
allemande (noun) egg-thickened veloute Synonyms: allemande sauce
allurement (noun) the act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money) Synonyms: solicitation
(noun) the power to entice or attract through personal charm Synonyms: allure, temptingness
(noun) attractiveness
alstroemeria (noun) any of various South American plants of the genus Alstroemeria valued for their handsome umbels of beautiful flowers
amazement (noun) the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising Synonyms: astonishment
amercement (noun) money extracted as a penalty Synonyms: fine, mulct
amusement (noun) an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention Synonyms: entertainment
(noun) a feeling of delight at being entertained
anaemia (noun) a deficiency of red blood cells Synonyms: anemia
(noun) a lack of vitality Synonyms: anemia
analbuminemia (noun) an abnormally low level of albumin in the blood serum
anathema (noun) a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
(noun) a detested person Synonyms: bete noire
anathematisation (noun) the formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed Synonyms: anathematization
anathematization (noun) the formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed Synonyms: anathematisation
anemia (noun) a deficiency of red blood cells Synonyms: anaemia
(noun) a lack of vitality Synonyms: anaemia
anemoclinometer (noun) A type of instrument which measures the inclination of the wind to the horizontal plane.
anemograph (noun) An instrument which records wind velocities.
anemography (noun) recording anemometrical measurements
anemometer (noun) a gauge for recording the speed and direction of wind Synonyms: wind gage, wind gauge
anemometry (noun) measuring wind speed and direction
anemone (noun) marine polyps that resemble flowers but have oral rings of tentacles; differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton Synonyms: sea anemone
(noun) any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves Synonyms: windflower
angioedema (noun) recurrent large circumscribed areas of subcutaneous edema; onset is sudden and it disappears within 24 hours; seen mainly in young women, often as an allergic reaction to food or drugs Synonyms: atrophedema, giant hives, periodic edema, Quincke's edema
angiohemophilia (noun) a form of hemophilia discovered by Erik von Willebrand; a genetic disorder that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait; characterized by a deficiency of the coagulation factor and by mucosal bleeding Synonyms: vascular hemophilia, von Willebrand's disease
announcement (noun) a public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen Synonyms: promulgation
(noun) a formal public statement Synonyms: annunciation, declaration, proclamation
anoxemia (noun) abnormally low oxygen content in arterial blood
anthem (noun) a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation) Synonyms: hymn
(noun) a song of devotion or loyalty (as to a nation or school)
antiemetic (noun) a drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting Synonyms: antiemetic drug
antifeminism (noun) activity indicative of belief in the superiority of men over women Synonyms: chauvinism, male chauvinism
antifeminist (noun) someone who does not believe in the social or economic or political equality of men and women
antisemitism (noun) the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people Synonyms: anti-Semitism
apodeme (noun) ridge-like ingrowth of the exoskeleton of an arthropod that supports internal organs and provides attachment points for muscles
apolemia (noun) large siphonophore of up to 50 ft long
appeasement (noun) the act of appeasing (as by acceding to the demands of) Synonyms: calming
applemint (noun) mint with apple-scented stems of southern and western Europe; naturalized in United States Synonyms: apple mint, Mentha rotundifolia, Mentha suaveolens
arbitrement (noun) the act of deciding as an arbiter; giving authoritative judgment Synonyms: arbitrament, arbitration
argemone (noun) any plant of the genus Argemone having large white or yellow flowers and prickly leaves and stems and pods; chiefly of tropical America Synonyms: devil's fig, prickly poppy, white thistle
arrangement (noun) the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music Synonyms: arranging, transcription
(noun) the spatial property of the way in which something is placed Synonyms: placement
(noun) an organized structure for arranging or classifying Synonyms: organisation, organization, system
(noun) the thing arranged or agreed to Synonyms: agreement
(noun) a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments Synonyms: musical arrangement
(noun) an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging
artemisia (noun) any of various composite shrubs or herbs of the genus Artemisia having aromatic green or greyish foliage
assemblage (noun) the social act of assembling Synonyms: assembly, gathering
(noun) a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose Synonyms: hookup
(noun) a group of persons together in one place Synonyms: gathering
(noun) several things grouped together or considered as a whole Synonyms: accumulation, aggregation, collection
assembler (noun) a program to convert assembly language into machine language Synonyms: assembly program
assembling (noun) the act of gathering something together Synonyms: aggregation, collecting, collection
assembly (noun) the social act of assembling Synonyms: assemblage, gathering
(noun) the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery) Synonyms: fabrication
(noun) a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
(noun) a public facility to meet for open discussion Synonyms: forum, meeting place
(noun) a unit consisting of components that have been fitted together
(noun) a group of persons who are gathered together for a common purpose
assemblyman (noun) someone who is a member of a legislative assembly
assemblywoman (noun) a woman assemblyman
assuagement (noun) the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced Synonyms: alleviation, relief
atonement (noun) the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity) Synonyms: expiation, propitiation
(noun) compensation for a wrong Synonyms: expiation, satisfaction
atrophedema (noun) recurrent large circumscribed areas of subcutaneous edema; onset is sudden and it disappears within 24 hours; seen mainly in young women, often as an allergic reaction to food or drugs Synonyms: angioedema, giant hives, periodic edema, Quincke's edema
attempt (noun) earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something Synonyms: effort, endeavor, endeavour, try
(noun) the act of attacking Synonyms: attack
attempter (noun) one who tries Synonyms: essayer, trier
axolemma (noun) outer membrane covering an axon
azotaemia (noun) accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine Synonyms: azotemia, uraemia, uremia
azotemia (noun) accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine Synonyms: azotaemia, uraemia, uremia
bacteremia (noun) transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood Synonyms: bacteriaemia, bacteriemia
bacteriaemia (noun) transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood Synonyms: bacteremia, bacteriemia
bacteriemia (noun) transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood Synonyms: bacteremia, bacteriaemia
bafflement (noun) confusion resulting from failure to understand Synonyms: befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, mystification, obfuscation, puzzlement
baggageman (noun) an attendant who takes care of baggage
ballottement (noun) a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body (especially for determining the position of a fetus by feeling the rebound of the fetus after a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus)
bargeman (noun) someone who operates a barge Synonyms: bargee, lighterman
basement (noun) the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage Synonyms: cellar
(noun) the ground floor facade or interior in Renaissance architecture
battlement (noun) a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns Synonyms: crenelation, crenellation
befuddlement (noun) confusion resulting from failure to understand Synonyms: bafflement, bemusement, bewilderment, mystification, obfuscation, puzzlement
beguilement (noun) an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations Synonyms: distraction
(noun) magnetic personal charm Synonyms: animal magnetism, bewitchery
behemoth (noun) someone that is abnormally large and powerful Synonyms: colossus, giant, goliath, monster
(noun) a person of exceptional importance and reputation Synonyms: colossus, giant, heavyweight, titan
belemnite (noun) a conical calcareous fossil tapering to a point at one end and with a conical cavity at the other end containing (when unbroken) a small chambered phragmocone from the shell of any of numerous extinct cephalopods of the family Belemnitidae

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