
13350 Nouns That Contain C

Part of Speech:
Word Definitions Synonyms
abaca (noun) Philippine banana tree having leafstalks that yield Manila hemp used for rope and paper etc Synonyms: Manila hemp, Musa textilis
(noun) a kind of hemp obtained from the abaca plant in the Philippines Synonyms: Manila hemp, Manilla hemp
abacus (noun) a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves
(noun) a tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave
abarticulation (noun) dislocation of a joint
abbacy (noun) the jurisdiction or office of an abbot
abcoulomb (noun) a unit of electrical charge equal to 10 coulombs
abdication (noun) a formal resignation and renunciation of powers Synonyms: stepping down
(noun) the act of abdicating Synonyms: stepping down
abdicator (noun) one who formally relinquishes an office or responsibility
abdominocentesis (noun) centesis of the belly to remove fluid for diagnosis Synonyms: paracentesis
abducens (noun) a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye Synonyms: abducens nerve, abducent, abducent nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve
abducent (noun) a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye Synonyms: abducens, abducens nerve, abducent nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve
abduction (noun) the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member; if a man's wife is abducted it is a crime against the family relationship and against the wife
(noun) (physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body
abductor (noun) a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line Synonyms: abductor muscle
(noun) someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom) Synonyms: kidnaper, kidnapper, snatcher
abecedarian (noun) a novice learning the rudiments of some subject
abecedarius (noun) a poem having lines beginning with letters of the alphabet in regular order
aberrance (noun) a state or condition markedly different from the norm Synonyms: aberrancy, aberration, deviance
aberrancy (noun) a state or condition markedly different from the norm Synonyms: aberrance, aberration, deviance
abeyance (noun) temporary cessation or suspension Synonyms: suspension
abhorrence (noun) hate coupled with disgust Synonyms: abomination, detestation, execration, loathing, odium
abidance (noun) the act of abiding (enduring without yielding)
(noun) the act of dwelling in a place Synonyms: residence, residency
(noun) acting according to certain accepted standards Synonyms: compliance, conformation, conformity
abience (noun) (psychology) an urge to withdraw or avoid a situation or an object
abjection (noun) a low or downcast state Synonyms: abasement, degradation
ablactation (noun) the act of substituting other food for the mother's milk in the diet of a child or young mammal Synonyms: weaning
(noun) the cessation of lactation
abnormalcy (noun) an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies Synonyms: abnormality
abocclusion (noun) the condition in which the upper teeth do not touch the lower teeth when biting
aborticide (noun) the act of destroying a fetus Synonyms: feticide
(noun) a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion Synonyms: abortifacient, abortion-inducing drug
abortifacient (noun) a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion Synonyms: aborticide, abortion-inducing drug
abracadabra (noun) gibberish and nonsense
abrachia (noun) the condition of having no arms
abreaction (noun) (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions Synonyms: catharsis, katharsis
abrocome (noun) ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes Synonyms: chinchilla rat, rat chinchilla
abscess (noun) symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
abscissa (noun) the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis
abscission (noun) the act of cutting something off Synonyms: cutting off
(noun) shedding of flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of scar tissue in a plant
absconder (noun) a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution
abscondment (noun) the act of running away secretly (as to avoid arrest) Synonyms: decampment
absence (noun) failure to be present
(noun) the state of being absent
(noun) the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered), sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy Synonyms: absence seizure
(noun) the time interval during which something or somebody is away
absorbance (noun) (physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation Synonyms: optical density, photographic density, transmission density
absorbency (noun) the property of being absorbent
absorptance (noun) a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (as light) as it passes through a given substance; the fraction of incident radiant energy absorbed per unit mass or thickness of an absorber Synonyms: absorption coefficient, coefficient of absorption
abstinence (noun) act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite
(noun) the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) Synonyms: abstention
abstract (noun) a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance Synonyms: abstraction
(noun) a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory Synonyms: outline, precis, synopsis
abstractedness (noun) preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else Synonyms: abstraction
abstracter (noun) one who makes abstracts or summarizes information Synonyms: abstractor
abstraction (noun) a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples Synonyms: abstract entity
(noun) the act of withdrawing or removing something
(noun) an abstract painting
(noun) a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance Synonyms: abstract
(noun) preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else Synonyms: abstractedness
(noun) the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances Synonyms: generalisation, generalization
abstractionism (noun) an abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation Synonyms: abstract art
(noun) a representation having no reference to concrete objects or specific examples Synonyms: unrealism
abstractionist (noun) a painter of abstract pictures Synonyms: abstract artist
abstractness (noun) the quality of being considered apart from a specific instance or object
abstractor (noun) one who makes abstracts or summarizes information Synonyms: abstracter
abundance (noun) the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply Synonyms: copiousness, teemingness
(noun) (chemistry) the ratio of the total mass of an element in the earth's crust to the total mass of the earth's crust; expressed as a percentage or in parts per million
(noun) (physics) the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope of an element to the total number of isotopes present
acacia (noun) any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia
academe (noun) the academic world Synonyms: academia
academia (noun) the academic world Synonyms: academe
academic (noun) an educator who works at a college or university Synonyms: academician, faculty member
academician (noun) an educator who works at a college or university Synonyms: academic, faculty member
(noun) a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation Synonyms: schoolman
(noun) someone elected to honorary membership in an academy
academicianship (noun) the position of member of an honorary academy
academicism (noun) orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Synonyms: academism, scholasticism
(noun) Purely speculative thoughts and attitudes.
(noun) a style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies of art. Synonyms: academic art, academism
academism (noun) orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Synonyms: academicism, scholasticism
(noun) a style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies of art. Synonyms: academic art, academicism
academy (noun) a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge
(noun) a secondary school (usually private)
(noun) a school for special training
(noun) an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature Synonyms: honorary society
acantha (noun) any sharply pointed projection Synonyms: spine, spur
acanthion (noun) the craniometric point at the anterior extremity of the intermaxillary suture
acanthocephalan (noun) any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines Synonyms: spiny-headed worm
acanthocyte (noun) an abnormal red blood cell that has thorny projections of protoplasm
acanthocytosis (noun) the presence of acanthocytes in the blood stream (as in abetalipoproteinemia)
acantholysis (noun) a breakdown of a cell layer in the epidermis (as in pemphigus)
acanthoma (noun) a neoplasm originating in the epidermis Synonyms: skin tumor
acanthopterygian (noun) a teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays Synonyms: spiny-finned fish
acanthosis (noun) an abnormal but benign thickening of the prickle-cell layer of the skin (as in psoriasis)
acanthus (noun) any plant of the genus Acanthus having large spiny leaves and spikes or white or purplish flowers; native to Mediterranean region but widely cultivated
acapnia (noun) a state in which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal; can result from deep or rapid breathing Synonyms: hypocapnia
acaracide (noun) a chemical agent used to kill mites Synonyms: acaricide
acardia (noun) congenital absence of the heart (as in the development of some monsters)
acariasis (noun) infestation with itch mites Synonyms: acaridiasis, acariosis
acaricide (noun) a chemical agent used to kill mites Synonyms: acaracide
acarid (noun) very small free-living arachnid that is parasitic on animals or plants; related to ticks
acaridiasis (noun) infestation with itch mites Synonyms: acariasis, acariosis
acarine (noun) mite or tick
acariosis (noun) infestation with itch mites Synonyms: acariasis, acaridiasis
acarophobia (noun) a morbid fear of small insects and mites and worms
acarus (noun) any of several mites of the order Acarina Synonyms: genus Acarus
acaryote (noun) a cell without a nucleus (as an erythrocyte) Synonyms: akaryocyte, akaryote
acatalectic (noun) (prosody) a line of verse that has the full number of syllables
acataphasia (noun) a disorder in which a lesion to the central nervous system leaves you unable to formulate a statement or to express yourself in an organized manner
acathexia (noun) an inability to retain bodily secretions
acathexis (noun) (psychoanalysis) a lack of cathexis; a condition in which significant objects or memories arouse no emotion in an individual
accelerando (noun) a gradually increasing tempo of music
acceleration (noun) the act of accelerating; increasing the speed Synonyms: quickening, speedup
(noun) an increase in rate of change
(noun) (physics) a rate of increase of velocity
accelerator (noun) a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine Synonyms: throttle, throttle valve
(noun) a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles Synonyms: atom smasher, particle accelerator
(noun) a pedal that controls the throttle valve Synonyms: accelerator pedal, gas, gas pedal, gun, throttle
(noun) (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected Synonyms: catalyst
accelerometer (noun) an instrument for measuring the acceleration of aircraft or rockets
accent (noun) the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch) Synonyms: emphasis, stress
(noun) distinctive manner of oral expression Synonyms: speech pattern
(noun) a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation Synonyms: accent mark
(noun) the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people Synonyms: dialect, idiom
(noun) special importance or significance Synonyms: emphasis
accenting (noun) the act of giving special importance or significance to something Synonyms: accentuation, emphasizing
accentor (noun) small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia
accentuation (noun) the act of giving special importance or significance to something Synonyms: accenting, emphasizing
(noun) the use or application of an accent; the relative prominence of syllables in a phrase or utterance
acceptability (noun) satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards Synonyms: acceptableness
acceptableness (noun) satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards Synonyms: acceptability
acceptance (noun) the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception Synonyms: acceptation, adoption, espousal
(noun) the act of taking something that is offered
(noun) a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations Synonyms: sufferance, toleration
(noun) the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true Synonyms: credence
(noun) (contract law) words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract)
(noun) a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank Synonyms: banker's acceptance
(noun) the state of being acceptable and accepted
acceptation (noun) the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception Synonyms: acceptance, adoption, espousal
(noun) the accepted meaning of a word Synonyms: word meaning, word sense
(noun) acceptance as true or valid
acceptor (noun) the person (or institution) who accepts a check or draft and becomes responsible for paying the party named in the draft when it matures
(noun) (chemistry) in the formation of a coordinate bond it is the compound to which electrons are donated
access (noun) the act of approaching or entering
(noun) a way of entering or leaving Synonyms: approach
(noun) (computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information Synonyms: memory access
(noun) the right to enter Synonyms: accession, admission, admittance, entree
(noun) the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)
(noun) a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.) Synonyms: access code
accessary (noun) someone who helps another person commit a crime Synonyms: accessory
accessibility (noun) the quality of being at hand when needed Synonyms: availability, availableness, handiness
(noun) the attribute of being easy to meet or deal with Synonyms: approachability

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